
Broadcast 1410 (Special Edition)

Guest: Dr. David Livingston; Open Lines. Topics: SpaceX and Mars, Israel Brain Gain, heavy lift, congress, human spaceflight, U.S. economy. Tonight's program was a two hour fifteen minute wide ranging Open Lines program covering numerous topics and issues. During the first hour long segment, we covered my opening agenda of 13 items, most of which were discussed in some detail during this program. It seems the favorite was the Israeli Brain Gain program I mentioned based on an Aviation Week and Space Technology article.

Broadcast 1302 (Special Edition)

Guest: Robert (Bob) Zimmerman. Topics: Proposed U.S. Space Policy. Robert (Bob) Zimmerman was our guest for this three segment two hour show devoted almost exclusively to discussing the new proposed space policy as put forth by the Obama Administration on Feb. 1, 2010. While this program was in three full segments, to summarize it by segment would be too limiting. Bob discussed the proposed space policy throughout the show.

Broadcast 1213 (Special Edition)

Guest: Open Lines with David Livingston. Topics: Augustine Panel, space policy, economics. Tonight was an Open Lines program. We started out discussing the preliminary Augustine Panel report, national space policy, and my recent visit to ATK to find out first hand about the Ares 1 rocket. In addition, I talked about media bias and cited a few examples in the space media. This discussion took up most of the first segment. We started Segment 2 with a call from Marshall regarding an article in an Oklahoma paper about the Japanese astronaut on the ISS not changing clothes while on the station.

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