launch vehicles

Broadcast 321 (Special Edition)

Nathan Horsley was the guest for this particular Space Show program. We discussed many legal issues pertaining to space tourism, launch vehicles, and space development. We explored the very nature of informed consent and how it might hold up in a legal action to protect a company using it for space flight participants. We also discussed if informed consent would be sufficient protection or if companies should plan on going to additional layers of protection for possible legal claims against their company should accidents or problem occur. Mr.

Broadcast 169 (Special Edition)

Dr. Roger Launius, Space Historian for the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, was the guest for this edition of The Space Show. Dr. Launius brought an historical perspective The Space Show regarding our space program, especially concerning the manned spaceflight program, launch vehicles, and space access. Building upon this historical perspective, we talked about our present program and needs and what may be ahead for us with our future space program, both public and private. Dr.

Broadcast 100 (Special Edition)

Dr. Patrick Collins was the first guest on The Space Show on June 13, 2001 and returns with us now to celebrate this 100th Space Show program! Dr. Collins is an exceptionally well-known and respected authority on space economics, space tourism, reusable launch vehicles, and space solar power. In this edition of The Space Show, we discuss space development and tourism economics, launch vehicles, political policy, space tourism, the Columbia and the Space Shuttle, and space solar power, along with other related topics.


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